In 2026, four years after the infamous Sword Art Online incident, a revolutionary new form of technology has emerged: the Augma, a device that utilizes an Augmented Reality system. Unlike the Virtual Reality of the NerveGear and the Amusphere, it is perfectly safe and allows players to use it while they are conscious, creating an instant hit on the market. The most popular application for the Augma is the game Ordinal Scale, which immerses players in a fantasy role-playing game with player rankings and rewards. Following the new craze, Kirito's friends dive into the game, and despite his reservations about the system, Kirito eventually joins them. While at first it appears to be just fun and games, they soon find out that the game is not all that it seems...
A beguiling movie of mysterious contradictions (It is simultaneously faithful to the original text while also subverting it) that will surely annoy most of the general
Very funny and smart, its shot like a comedy and suffers like most comedies do because of it.
This extraordinarily good looking, blood-soaked genre flick is stacked with a solid script, a talented and appealing cast, and complex fight sequences that are staged in the most unhurried and satisfying way